Robot Kits are the perfect entry point for anyone wanting to learn about coding Arduino, programming or robotics - children and adults alike!
Do you constantly notice or hear about Arduino, but you're not sure where to begin? Are you a soldering demigod, but programming seems like it's for the birds? Wheeled robots provide a positively painless introduction to these and other fields, and can be a great way to enjoy family time.
Our many robots are available as kits aimed at children, with little or no assembly and simple block-based programming. However, discovering these with the young people in your life can give you an inspiring insight into the amazing possibilities, and potentially spark a whole new field of fascination for you.
‣ Tobbie is a 6-legged robot that you can build it yourself. Walks and spins in any direction and will beep and flash it's eyes.
‣ Apitor Robot X is a programmable Robot Kit with 600+ pieces of blocks that kids can build into more than 12 cool multi-functional models. Allows children to do coding with their creations by graphical programming language.
‣ The wall-dodging robot project is a perfect first project for discovering Arduino. It's built from first principles and uses a Duinotech UNO to interpret information from an ultrasonic sensor, autonomously navigating its surroundings and avoiding obstacles.