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Filament Vs Resin 3D Printers

Filament Vs Resin 3D Printers

Updated July 2022


Both resin and filament printers have their pros and cons, all based around what you are needing to print out. They vary in strength, speed, size, quality, ease of use, and limitations.

Resin printers have their pros against filament printers like:
 They are much faster than filament based printers, in some cases up to 70% faster
 The level of detail is much higher easily being 10X that of filament printers
 Set up and first time use is mostly automated with minimal interaction

Making resin printers great for people wanting to print lots of small models for D&D and Warhammer, high detail objects and art models.

Filament printer advantages include:
 Larger build areas, can be up to but not limited to 300x300x400mm
 Wide range of materials like carbon fibre, nylon, polycarbonate, wood, flexi, ABS, PLA and more
 They print stronger parts, making them great for anything functional
 Cheap and easy replacement parts
 They are cheaper printers to buy, perfect for the first time user
 Cheaper materials

This makes filament printers someone's main choice when making large items, high strength parts, car parts, objects that need to meet high stress and heat requirement, robotics, as well art models and busts, flexi items like shoes and belts.

Both of these printers also come with a list of Do's and Do Not's to keep them running and lasting as long as possible.

Resin 3D Printers
Do Not

Remove resin from vat when not in use

Leave the resin in the vat as it can separate and cure to the bottom FEP

Stop a print if it fails

Keep the printer running when a print fails, resin will cure to the vat and FEP which can damage it

Check for cured resin in vat before a print starts

Let the printer print with cured resin, this can damage the FEP, vat and screen

Use the printer in a well ventilated place

Expose the resin to UV and sunlight, this will cure the resin

Change the FEP when it deforms

Reuse a deformed FEP, it may break damaging the screen below

Clean up any resin that gets on the screen

Let resin get on the screen, it will cure and damage the screen

Fill vat to the fill line

Over filling the vat will cause resin to leak onto the printer and screen which can damage them

Filament 3D Printers
Do Not

Clean the bed before you print

Use abrasive material to clean the bed, this will damage most print beds

Use the correct temp settings for your material

Use the same settings for all materials, this can cause nozzle and motor damage

Load and unload filament while nozzle is hot

Cold loading and unloading can damage the nozzle and feed motor

Make sure nothing is in the way of the printer

Debris can cause damage to the bed and XY motors and belts

Correctly level the bed

Using an unlevel bed can damage the nozzle, XYZ motors and belt as well as the nozzle

Stop the printer when nozzle clogs

Continuing to print with a clogged nozzle can damage the nozzle and feed motor

Ensure the nozzle is clean before use

Plastic left stuck to nozzle can cause the print to fail at the start