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Ultrasonic Radar

Ultrasonic Radar

Test & Tools


Watch a cool radar slide across your computer screen like the old time war-movies! Use the simple ultrasonic sensor to measure distance in a rotating fashion across your workbench.

Use Arduino to make the radar and Processing GUI to display on your computer.

Materials Required

1Duinotech UNO r3 Main BoardXC4410
1Duinotech Arduino Compatible Prototyping ShieldXC4482
1Arduino Compatible 9G Micro Servo MotorYM2758
1150mm Socket to Socket Jumper Leads - 40 PieceWC6026
1Arduino Compatible Wi-Fi Mini Prototyping ShieldXC3850
24 Pin 0.1in 90 Degree Locking Header - 2.54mm Pitch - SingleHM3424
13 Pin 0.1in 90 Degree Locking Header - 2.54mm Pitch - SingleHM3423

Future Improvements

Do you have more ideas on how we can improve the radar? Submit a GitHub issue and get collaborating!

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