The Right Wavelength at WARC Hamfest 2023
The fifth of March dawned warm and windy at the Italian Sports Club of Werribee for WARC Hamfest 2023, an event run and organised by the Wyndham Amateur Radio Club. A community event for which we here at Jaycar were excited to be a part of.
WARC Hamfest went well this year, with 134 attendees, and 30 tables set up by locals to trade and sell equipment. WARC Hamfest is the primary way that the Wyndham Amateur Radio Club raises funds to purchase equipment and administration supplies for the club, and here at Jaycar, we were more than happy to help. Entry to the event was only $7, which included free entry into the lucky door prize draw (including a True RMS Digital Multimeter with Bluetooth Connectivity as a door prize supplied by yours truly). A sausage sizzle was also running throughout day.
Wydnham Amateur Radio Club provides a friendly place for anyone interested in Amateur Radio and Electronics to share and enjoy all aspects of their hobby with others from the community. Formally established in 2015, The Club’s membership currently stands at 26 and is open to anyone interested in Amateur Radio. Not requiring an Amateur Radio License to join, the club can assist with training and sitting for the Basic Foundation License, with hopes to do the same for both the Standard and Advanced Licenses in the future.
The Club holds night meetings on the first Friday of every month and day meetings on the third Saturday of every month as well as conducting Social Events and Field Days.
WARC Hamfest is held every year, but from 2024 will be in a different location, so if you’re in Melbourne’s western suburbs and are interested in checking it out, keep an eye on the Wyndham Amateur Radio Club’s social media and website for announcements: